How do I report a lost/stolen debit or credit card
Download the Card App to report your card lost, stolen, or compromised.
How can I obtain a copy of my credit card disclosure?
To obtain a copy of your credit card disclosures, please call our Member Service Center.
How can I see my Visa Rewards balance?
To view and redeem your Visa Signature Rewards, members must log into Online Banking.
How do I activate my card?
Download and install the Card App from BSCU.ORG/CARDAPP to activate your card.
How can I find out which charges are pending on my credit card account?
If you have pending transactions, these will be displayed in your Online Banking, Mobile Banking or Card App once posted.
How can I file a card dispute or fraud claims?
To initiate a dispute or fraud claim, you may visit any local branch, contact our Member Service Center or complete the dispute form located in Online Banking. To view the form in Online Banking, you must log in, click Contact Us, then Secured Forms and choose the appropriate form.