Surviving a Layoff

Everything will be fine!

Surviving a layoff can be tough and demoralizing, but there are plenty of strategies to get you through it. Many times, layoffs can be caused by things that are out of your control such as recessions, mergers, budget cuts, etc. These are unfortunate circumstance but are many times completely unavoidable. The only thing you can do is pick yourself up and divert your focus to finding new opportunities. Listed below are 9 items that you should keep in mind when you’re laid off.
  1. Make sure you’re receiving everything that was promised to you. For example, if you’re promised a certain amount of paid vacation days and sick days, check your final paycheck to make sure it’s all there.
  2. Don’t panic! You may even want to take a few days off to relax and clear your mind before you make any decisions. Becoming overly panicked and worried will only stress you out more resulting in poor choices.
  3. Review your company’s policies. Figure out how to file for unemployment if that’s what you decide to do, and make sure to check how long your company-paid health insurance will be in effect. These are immensely important to understand incase there is an emergency.
  4. Make sure to look over your budget and make adjustments. There are many ways to cut costs when you really need to, so revisit and make changes to your monthly expenses. This might be as simple as cutting on grocery expenses. Click here for some tips on how to lower your monthly grocery expenses.
  5. Update your resume! You should continuously be updating your resume even when you’re employed, but make sure you have a current resume to give to prospective employers.
  6. Assess your goals. Are they the same as they were before you were laid off? If they aren’t, make sure your future plan is clear and attainable.
  7. Start applying for jobs! There are many online portals that you can use! For example, Indeed and LinkedIn are great tools that you can use to find jobs.
  8. Your family will always want the best for you. If your family sees you struggling and offers to help, swallow your pride and accept it! There is no shame in needing a little extra help when things go bad.
  9. Don’t get discouraged! It could take some time to find a new job, but you’ll eventually get that offer! Who knows, the layoff could lead to much bigger and better things.