Shop and Save!
Don't spend more than you have to! Find out how!
There are a ton of ways that you can save on food every month. The obvious one that people always mention is to not eat out as much. Not eating out will save you a load of money, but here are 12 uncommon ways to save when grocery shopping.
- Don’t go shopping hungry. If you do, you’ll want to buy anything and everything!
- Make a list before going and STICK to what’s on it.
- Shop for seasonal items. Many times, they are fresher and cheaper.
- You don’t need brand named food items. Look for generic/store brand items such as those found on this website.
- Buy in bulk. It may cost a bit more upfront, but it will end up being way cheaper than buying smaller sizes.
- Shop from different stores even if it’s a little inconvenient, because certain items might be cheaper. For example, many items from Aldi are cheaper than items from Publix.
- YOU DON’T NEED THAT SALE ITEM. Unless you regularly use it, don’t buy it just because it’s on sale. Many times, these items go unused and are thrown away.
- There is absolutely no need to buy precut fruits and vegetables. The markup on those neat bundles of fruits and vegetables will eat a hole through your wallet. (Take it from someone who worked in produce, the cleanliness is often lacking as well!)
- Try going to non-grocery stores for certain items. Walmart offers many of the same brands as grocery stores, but at a lower price.
- Download the store’s app to look for deals and savings.
- WARNING – MATH SKILLS REQUIRED! Make sure you’re getting the most bang for your buck by comparing unit pricing. Different brands might come in different sizes and companies are good at making their packaging look deceivingly big.
- Many will say to leave your credit card at home. This is a good choice if you have no self-control, but if you do, then use it to earn rewards! Why not get rewarded for spending your money?
- And for the last tip - DO NOT BUY PLASTIC WATER BOTTLES. Doing this not only saves you money, but also keeps our environment clean. The bottled water industry is a billion-dollar industry. The average 16 oz. water bottle costs consumers a dollar. If you drink four a day, you’re spending around $120 a month. Buy yourself a fancy water bottle and filter to save both your money and the environment!