By completing and handing in the form, I authorize BrightStar Credit Union to extend my final loan payment by one month. Only BrightStar accounts can be debited. I authorize BrightStar CU to deduct the $40 processing fee (which is a FINANCE CHARGE) from the account indicated above (or I will enclose a check or a money order for my payment). I understand that interest will continue to accrue on my loan during the month(s) I skip my payment(s). Loan payments normally made by direct deposit or payroll deduction will be deposited into my savings account. BrightStar cannot stop Automatic Clearinghouse (ACH) payments. I understand that if my loan payment is set up to deduct automatically, it is my responsibility to contact my financial institution to stop payment for the month that I will be skipping a loan payment. I understand that skipped payments will result in more periodic payments, increased periodic payment amounts or a larger final payment as determined by the Credit Union in its sole discretion. Please note that Credit card, Home Equity, Commercial Loans, and Mortgage Payments are not eligible for this skip-a-payment offer. BrightStar CU reserves the right to deny this offer for any reason. Offer is subject to cancellation. Some restrictions apply. Offer is subject to change at any time. Questions? Call us at 954-486-2728.